🦜 New Year, New Phriends, New Phun, New Parties w/a Purpose! 🦜

🙏 Big Thank You’s to Everyone who made our first 2023 Phlocking Phabulous!

🍾 We filled 2 large coolers with booze for the Raffle Prizes!

🎉 We raised $1,100, & the total combined funds raised this week is near $2,400 & growing at the event donation link:

PayPal.me/freerangeparrots#LulusDestin, #DonMiddlebrook, #FloridaPanhandleHurricaneReliefBenefit, #HurricaneIan, #puretroprock, #ToddSparks, #JesseBumann, #WebbDalton, #JessieRitter, #BethTravers, #BarefootReggie, #DaveSignsMusic

🎉 Congratulations to the Lucky Winners of the Coolers Full of Booze!

🙏 Big Thank You’s to our out-going executive board members Susan Calhoun, Alan Bill, Rob Busch, Judi Busch, Andy Holdnak!

🎉 Join us January 27th at #RicksontheIsland for more Phriends & Phun with #ParrotHeads & #BTTurner! We’ll be raising more funds for Don Middlebrook’s Hurricane Relief Benefit & we’ll have 3 Raffle Baskets for 3 Lucky Winners! Be there or be square!

~ Photos by Sherine Price, Scott Price, Mary Bill